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Warranty and Return Conditions

Every product you buy is under the guarantee of Oldwooddesign for 2 years as a manufacturer.

Return Policy
You can return the product you have received within seven (7) days from the date of delivery, without destroying//destroying the product, as you received it. Transfer or shipping is free in our return process.

Open and check the packages that you think were damaged during shipment in front of the company representative from whom you received them. If there is any damage to the product, do not take delivery of the product by keeping a record with the cargo company. If you notice the product after receiving it, you can contact us immediately.

The return of used, destroyed products and products that are outside our product standards by specifying the size or that you have made completely according to your wishes are not accepted.

If the customer returns the product or withdraws from the purchase, the product price is refunded within ten (3) days from the time the returned product reaches our Company.

Warranty conditions
Our products are under our guarantee for 2 years. Natural wood products can be very long-lasting under appropriate conditions of use. There may be cracking or splitting caused by sudden temperature changes in the house. In cases where there will be problems in the use of the product, our company will return to you with a choice of replacement or repair. In such cases, you can contact us on our mobile line.


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